its been another long break since i last posted, due mainly in part to my net book having contracted a virus and leaving me uninspired to blog. with the exception of a nip here and there that does still draw blood, harley has come a looooong way from the striking bites he was making back when all this new training began. i attribute his better behavior from a combination of the Feliway room difuser - think glade outlet room air freshners - and my learning to read his signs, plus, he doesn't sleep with me in bed anymore so when he does its a treat and its monitored. i also make sure i spend more time with him if i have been away longer during the day and that he has a good supply of food, which he always did have but which seems to put him at ease to know he's going to have food a plenty.
harley has taken to a new morning ritual of greeting me on the bathroom sink as i step out of the shower, usually in the morning. he will purr and head butt me and loves being petting up to a certain point at which time he lets me know he's had enough. it seems to bring him some comfort knowing that we have this time in the morning.
he has done well with guests but has a thing for running out into the hallway of the apartment building. sometimes he has driven me to say, "remember you were a stray once and think of how good you have it here." shame, i hear, works well with kids so why not cats? ;-)
i do love him though, its just taken a time of transition from a long line of lovers and not fighters. my scars are healing and hopefully they'll eventually fade. they stand as reminders of how far we've come and where i don't want to go with him ever again.
this holiday season is our first together and i admit i miss tiger quite often but i know i gave him a good life and i'm trying to do the same for harley bug. we're a work in progress. :-)
Monday, November 15, 2010
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