Thursday, November 8, 2012
the power of one
as halloween has come and gone, the holiday season is officially underway. harley isn't much for halloween or thanksgiving, but christmas, now that's another story all together. the pop up tree, the wrapping paper, the RIBBONS! yea he is really something else.
what we want to share this season is the power of one, and how one person can make a difference and influence many more to tap into their power of one, too.
right now we are working on the winter newsletter for CATALES so we will be back with more later...stay tuned!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Harley is about two months into no night sleeping in the bedroom and its been working well. I sleep better and if I don't it has more to do with me and my going to bed late etc and nothing to do with him nipping at me or staring me down :)
Our morning is now about me letting him into the room to visit before I make moves to prep for my day. I feed him and give him treats and while he still nips now and then he doesn't draw blood like he was. It's clear that the no nights in the bedroom policy is working.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Podcast recording tonight! Catales and Harley and I will be featured topics :) has invited me as a guest tonight on their Something and Someone Show! I will be talking about Catales and my upcoming book aka the 20 year project lol So excited! Check out the JSG at the link for info on their business and ministry.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Happy Update :)
Five nights sleeping without Harley in bed or the room with me and I sleep through the night now! I actually wake up with my alarm or just before it. It's been sooo nice for me. I already have a sleep disorder so this idea to not have him in there with me has been genius!
He still nips at my calf or hand but its maybe once and he seems to understand he has been demoted, so to speak. He is also more affectionate when he for a see me after the alarm clock for a off. This is the first cat I have had that I had to evicted from the bed at night but I understand that Harley is not like any other cat lol
We will check in again soon :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
short and sweet
here's to less nipping in our future!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
finally, an update
- · june 2011 – a young coworker was in need of a place to stay and after attempts to find him somewhere sooner than the september gig he had lined up, he landed on my air mattress for a few days. we got along so well we decided to rent an apartment together and we have been in a two bedroom ever since, with harley loving the extra company. it’s a blessing my roommate isn’t allergic to harley as he thought he would be. I knew when i saw him on the floor playing with harley we would be ok. we are due to renew our lease this month.
- · july 2011 – in a sad and unexpected twist of fate, my step father, neville, was diagnosed with cancer that has already spread too far throughout his body to hope for any kind of recovery. he passed a week after he was diagnosed at 89 years old and he is missed something fierce. my mother is in year five of her ovarian cancer treatments; he was her rock and her warrior and so his passing has dealt the family a doubly hard blow. i received a lot of support from my friends during this time, bt other personal matters came up and it was a very bad time for me.
- · august 2011 – my roommate and i settled into our new place with a rocky start: on moving day he was sick to his stomach and i had some bad bug bites on my hand that tured into cellulitis in a matter of hours. he recovered with some sleep and ginger ale and i got treated at the walk in clinic and return to work after a few days.
- · september 2011 – yes so it’s my birthday month and you’d think i’d catch a break but no, every september has been rough for the last several years and i don’t know why. same for every birthday too except for my 40th – that one was perfect. this month we have a freak tropical storm and during it i came down with something nasty that included a fever of 103 and was misdiagnosed for five days. this means that with no power or hot water from the storm and a fever that will not come down, i was sick as a dog and getting sicker by the hour with zero relief. i made it to the er of a second hospital and am diagnosed with tonsolitis and mono. i am home a total of three weeks and lose 20 lbs because I couldn’t eat anything and only drank water or some broth. it was the worst three weeks of my life with no talking, gross medicine – the only thing i could taste was that nasty stuff - and terrible throat pain. i even asked my roommate to shoot me. graciously he declined. i was well enough a week before my birthday to celebrate with coworkers at a local restaurant for happy hour. during this time that i was sick, harley was my hero. he kept me company and was no bother.
- · october 2011 –this month i got cellulitis in half of my left leg from stepping in a puddle of dirty still water when i had an open bug bite on my leg. this hospitalized me for a week and once again i had a fever of 103. the infection is so bad and hit me within hours. in about two hours i went from walking out of bed to not being able carry my weight at all. the pain was just awful. I returned to work after eight days of rest. the state also had a freak snow storm and lot power in a lot of locations. harley and i stuck it out for four of the five days we went without. i built him a fort with every blanket known to man but even I had to admit it was too unbearable. harley and i traveled to my mom’s house where she had power restored the day before and we spent one night in heat which was lovely. harley did so well there, too, not fussing with the new surroundings at all, just making himself at home and climbing on everything. mom was pleased he was so well behaved.
- · november and december 2011 – relatively quiet – thankfully – with the holidays and me sorting through a lot of things in my personal/romantic life.
- · january 2012 – more loss. my beloved grandmother fell at home where she lived with my aunt and uncle and, at 94, she succumbed to an infection and other issues related to the fall. she had alzheimers as well.
- · february through june 2012 – healthy and happy, i have been following through with my “nesting and resting” philosophy since my stint in the hospital in october. i was going out about once a month special like, but now those times are spread out maybe dinner out with my sister and then a weekend with my close friend. a lot of this time was spent processing some very closely personal concerns and events that i haven’t noted here as well the ones i have.