under the couch

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

purr-age and courage

so i get down on the bedroom floor and who comes racing over to me, but still stays under the bed, but harley. :) and he begins kneading the air, pulling himself along the carpet, lets me get the crusty out of his eye, and he starts purring like a super happy kitty.

then, he comes to the edge of the bed and crawls out! he scopes out the dresser, the nightstand, even makes his way into my bathroom, but then he zips right back under the bed.

lying on the floor i'm eye level with him. i see him do the marine crawl under the bed to the other side by the window. he is stealth for a big guy! i watch his head and upper body disappear as he stands and walks and makes his way around the bed a little, sniffing, and now bellowing a little, and then zip! right back under the bed.

i've left him now for an interactive toy and my camera. i'm hoping he'll be encouraged to come out again.

he did nip my hand once as a playful gesture and i'm learning to read when he's wanting to go untouched. its a process. :)


  1. Awww I am SO happy Harley has such an amazing home with you :)

  2. thank you, sarah :) he's a charmer. he is a bit of a watch cat, too. he heard noises of neighbors in the hallway and stopped loving to growl, drop to the floor and slink to the hall door. it was sweet but i had to let him know it was a sound he'd have to get used to.
