1. he's stealth and very much ghost like. he is nowhere and then poof! he's everywhere. its almost uncanny and also a bit unnerving, especially as he likes to...
2. walk between and around my feet and sometimes at a rapid pace. this is why today, harley has been inducted into the hall of collar wearing cats. the bell warns me, annoys both of us, and the tag that reads "if i'm out, i'm lost" with his name and my number are because...
3. while he straightens like and arrow and goes into a trance at the sound of anything outside the door leading to the hallway, he is taking a keener interest in what is behind the door. the less wary he becomes the more likely he is to bolt.
so the collar, as shown here, is the skull and crossbones in deference to harley's attitudinal (new word, perhaps? lol) character. he seems fine with his except it did take him by surprise when he went to lie down on the table and it went "clink". he literally couldn't stop looking down for about five minutes lol such a mystery it created for him.
4. harley likes the vertical blinds. he walks between them and the slider door so that if you didn't know he was there, and you can't see him when he does this by the way, then you'd think a window was open or there was a spook.
5. he is a master of facial expressions. he looks adorable one minute, and attitudinal another. its like a shape shifter but only on his face lol
6. he's a love a nutter. big time with the head butts, the purring and the kneading continue. looking forward to snuggles again before bed tonight.
and lastly, 7. he was hiding under the couch when i got home from work today. he was mewing and i said, "harley, you're not being held hostage under there, come on out you silly bug." so he did his marine crawl with his front paws pulling him forward on his belly, and out he came with the aforementioned snuggles.
and best yet, he ate, drank, used the box and the apartment is, delightfully, in tact. and clearly well occupied. :)
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