for a few days i couldn't figure out why harley would wake me up at various hours of the night by tagging my toes with his teeth. i noticed he was sleeping at the foot of the bed on my side and not next to me at the head of the bed like he originally did. it's a king size bed and just the two of us so what was that about, i wondered.
let it not be said that cats aren't smart. they most certainly are, and especially harley. seems the sleeping at the foot of bed came about when i started running the oscillating fan on an end table...and the fan faces the foot of the bed...on my side. aha! move the fan, move the cat. because, as comfy as he would get this way (see included photo) my toes weren't having it anymore lol
we've now come to a happy medium where a wall of pillows separates harley and i from the head of the bed and we both enjoy the cool air while my toes rest easy.
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