the holidays were loads of fun which is in large part why the blog has been idle since november. harley celebrated his first thanksgiving, christmas and new year's eve in his new fur-ever home. yea! i've included key pics from the holidays with harley.
his encounter with my collapsable and fully decorated christmas tree went better than i had anticipated. it was up for about three minutes when he launched himself into it, making his way through the space between the green garland covered springs. he also quickly launched himself back out! after several chomps on the faux greenery and an equal number of squirts to his bottom from the water bottle, he left the tree alone and came to enjoy the lights on it at night as much as i did.

in addition to the single girl christmas tree, harley seemed to take issue with the holy family as represented by the delicate precious moments nativity set given to me by my mom many christmases ago. at first i thought the issue was just with where i had placed them, on his favorite look out spot on a dresser that serves as a linen chest. this was when i discovered the shepherd had been thrown off the cliff, mary and joseph had been smacked down, and a wayward sheep was found under foot on the floor:

in response, and for their safety, i moved the holy family to an undisclosed location. it was actually the center of the dining table but harley should have found no offense in that.

seems a wise guy got it this time and was moved to have his back to me, baby jesus was moved away from his parents and the poor lone sheep was tipped!
at this point the family has been packed away for safe keeping until next year when they'll either be behind glass or on a shelf where harley won't be able to reach them. either way it will be a win-win in 2011.
blessings to all,
harley and sharon
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